How Does Water Filter Pitcher Work?

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Water pitcher filters are a practical, inexpensive, and simple method for removing contaminants from water. Fill the reservoir with tap water, then allow the filter to do its job. The first types of water filters were created to reduce the taste and odor of chlorine and sediment. Newer models are capable of combating viruses and other harmful contaminants. 

What Is A Water Filter Pitcher? 

The bottom of a water filter pitcher contains a replaceable cartridge. This cartridge includes granules or membrane filters that water passes through on its way to the pitcher’s spout. 

A fine micron filter separates two chambers, typically made of activated carbon, in one of the simplest types. This system is ideal for treating relatively clean tap water in areas where chlorine and other harmful chemicals are not added, but sediment is a problem. The first chamber contains pre-treated water, while the second contains activated carbon granules that absorb organic compounds such as pesticides. Water trickles from one chamber to another through the membrane filter’s tiny pores so slowly that harmful particles have more time to attach to the carbon. 

A variety of companies manufacture water filter pitchers. The prices range from $20 to more than $100 based on the quality of the materials, the filters included with the purchase, etc. 

How Do Filter Pitchers Work? 

The first types of water filters were created to reduce the taste and odor of chlorine and sediment. Newer models are capable of combating viruses and other harmful contaminants. Since the cartridge is located at the bottom of the pitcher, filling it with water from the tap causes it to slowly trickle down through a paper or activated-carbon filter into a second container from which it can be served. Every two months or so, replace the used filter with a new one to complete the task (for most pitchers, though some require changing them monthly). 

Since their inception in 1966, water pitcher filters have undergone significant development, addressed more issues than ever before while retained their affordability and usability. They were designed to improve tap water by reducing the taste and odor of chlorine. These devices can now remove bacteria, viruses, cysts, and other potentially harmful substances from the drinking water in your home. 

Finally, you should know that not all filter pitchers operate similarly. Sediment and carbon block filtration are the two primary technologies used in modern models. While both can remove identifiable contaminants from tap water, their mechanisms of action are distinct. 

Sediment filters are constructed with a beautiful micron mesh that captures particles larger than 0.5 microns. It operates by allowing water to slowly percolate through the porous material, where it encounters sediments and other impurities, which are captured by the mesh. 

Carbon block filters utilize a carbon-based material (i.e., activated carbon or charcoal) designed to attract and capture organic compounds such as chlorine and benzene, as well as their potentially harmful byproducts, which may be present in your tap water. Water trickles through it; contaminants are drawn into the filter’s tiny pores. They remain until the device is flushed by running several pitchers’ worth of water through it until clean water emerges from its base spout. 

What Is The Purpose Of Using A Water Filter Pitcher? 

There are numerous reasons to seriously consider using a water filter pitcher, particularly if the tap water in your home comes from a private source. 

In addition to being significantly less expensive than other filtration methods, there are additional advantages to purchasing one of these products. The most prevalent types are user-friendly and require no installation or plumbing modifications. Fill the lower compartment with water from an existing faucet, wait for it to trickle into the upper chamber, pour yourself a glass, and enjoy! 

Due to their lightweight and superior construction, these filter pitchers are leak-proof and highly durable. Once every two months or so, merely remove the old filter and replace it with a new one. Due to their small size, you can place one of these next to the water dispenser in your refrigerator if you have more than one person in your household. 

If you bring your pitcher with you when you travel, you will not need to purchase bottled water, which is costly and wasteful, as most bottles end up in landfills. Depending on its capacity, a single filter pitcher can provide safe drinking water for multiple people (roughly 4-10 glasses per filling). 

Before making this purchase, it is essential to consider the following additional factors: The primary reason why most people choose to use a water filter pitcher as opposed to other filtration systems is that these are significantly simpler to operate. Fill the chamber with tap water and let it filter slowly through the device. As simple as that! 

Installation of a water filter pitcher requires no tools, so there is no additional cost associated with this purchase. They are also very lightweight and compact, so you can keep one in your car if you want! The same holds for traveling with one: pack it into your luggage, and you’re good to go (make sure not to lose it). 

The most significant benefit of using a pitcher is its long-term affordability: replacement filters last at least two months and cost only a few dollars per pack. A filtering pitcher can save you a substantial amount of money in the long run compared to other types of filtrations that typically require new cartridges every month or less. 

Benefits Of Using A Water Filter Pitcher 

Compared to other types of filtration units, filters only need to be replaced every two months, making them cost-effective. This option is significantly more practical than whole-house filters, which are typically too large for smaller households or rental properties. Simple to use and highly efficient at removing contaminants from your drinking water source. 

You can take your pitcher wherever you go because it is portable. If you have access to clean drinking water from the tap, you will never again have to worry about running out. This is the simplest and least expensive method for obtaining safe and healthy drinking water. 

Although there are numerous reasons to consider using a water filter pitcher, it is always prudent to be well-informed before making purchases. Continue reading our blog for more great tips on choosing the right product and avoiding the typical pitfalls associated with this type of filtration product! 

Who Should Use A Water Filtration Pitch? 

Anyone using a water filter that requires installation or draining before refilling should consider upgrading to a more user-friendly model. Not only will your life be significantly simplified, but you will also save time and money! 

If you are interested in switching to pitcher filters, now is the ideal time to do so, as many companies are currently offering attractive discounts on this type of filtration product. These devices are now available for less than $30 and include free shipping on every order, so why not try them? 

All new owners receive comprehensive instructions outlining this filter’s proper operation and maintenance throughout its lifetime. When you’re ready to purchase, you can use our buyer’s guides as a reference. 

When Should A Water Pitcher Filter Be Replaced? 

As contaminants accumulate throughout a pitcher filter’s lifespan, its effectiveness will gradually diminish. Once this occurs, you will need to replace your unit, which is very simple given its small size and low cost. 

Replacement filters are typically sold in packs of 4-6 units for approximately $10-$15 per pack; search our reviews section or contact customer service for more information on products! 

When you observe indicators that it is time to replace your filter, such as a decrease in water flow or a visibly dirty container when removed from the household water supply, you will know that it is time to replace your old unit with a new one. 

How To Change The Filter Cartridge: Directions In Steps 

  • To release the lid of your pitcher, press the release button. This is typically located just to the right of the pitcher’s handle at the top of the pitcher. If you cannot find this button, check underneath one of your cup dispensers. 
  • Remove the used cartridge from its packaging and remove any protective coverings before exposing it to water. 
  • Before installing the new filter, empty the pitcher of all filtered water, so you don’t accidentally pour it over the new filter! 
  • After removing the old cartridge, insert the replacement cartridge into its corresponding slot to secure it. 
  • Before releasing the lockout button, securely close the lid and press down on it. Now your pitcher is ready for use, filled with clean drinking water. 

If you have questions about removing or replacing a pitcher filter, refer to the manual that came with the pitcher. This guide should answer all your questions in a single, straightforward document! Additionally, the cartridge should include installation instructions; refer to the manual you received when placing your order. 

What Contaminants Is Water Filter Pitcher Most Effective At Removing? 

  • Bacteria & Viruses: pitcher filters remove 99.99% of bacteria and viruses from drinking water. 
  • Microplastics: pitcher filters are excellent at capturing microplastics, tiny pieces of plastic that eventually disintegrate into smaller fragments. 
  • Chloramine: Pitcher filters can remove up to 60 percent of this common additive, which gives tap water its distinctive flavor and odor. 
  • Fluoride: Pitcher filters can remove up to 80% of fluoride, commonly added to drinking water as an additional precaution against tooth decay. 
  • Lead is one of the most dangerous heavy metals that can eventually leach into your water supply, and pitcher filters are highly effective at capturing it. 
  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): Pitcher filters are highly effective at removing VOCs, including benzene, toluene, and other chemicals that pose severe risks to human health. 
  • Chlorine: Pitcher filters are effective at removing a substantial amount of the chlorine added to public water supplies, although they will not be able to remove all of it. 
  • Pharmaceuticals: Pitcher filters are excellent at capturing drugs, such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and other over-the-counter medications that pose significant health risks to humans. 
  • Chromium 6: Pitcher filters effectively trap chromium 6, a heavy metal that can cause severe health issues if it leaches into drinking water. 
  • Mercury and Other Heavy Metals: Pitcher filters are effective at capturing heavy metals such as mercury and lead. 
  • Perfluorinated Chemicals (PFCs): Pitcher filters effectively capture PFCs, including perfluorooctanoic acid. 
  • Disinfection Byproducts (DBPs): Pitcher filters effectively trap DBPs such as bromodichloromethane. 
  • Pesticides: including atrazine and dichlorvos, are effectively captured by pitcher filters. 

Water Filter Pitcher Vs Bottled Water: Which Is Better? 

In many instances, bottled water is simply filtered tap water that has been packaged in a plastic bottle and sold. Almost all commercially available bottled water in the United States must comply with Food and Drug Administration standards, indicating that it is safe for human consumption. In most places where tap water isn’t clean enough to drink straight from the faucet, it won’t be clean enough to drink from a bottle either! 

In addition to being drawn from public sources, some bottled waters are sourced directly from natural springs. Typically, each type of water has its advantages and disadvantages. 

In addition to microorganisms that have been filtered out, bottled spring water typically contains a healthy dose of minerals. Depending on your needs, spring water’s natural minerals may not be beneficial to consume. 

Additionally, bottled water sourced from groundwater may contain high levels of nitrates and other undesirable chemicals. Another disadvantage is that plastic bottles decompose in a landfill takes between 450 and 1,000 years. If you care about the environment, it makes perfect sense to opt for a reusable filter. 

Is It Worth It To Buy A Water Filter Pitch? 

If you want to ensure that your drinking water is as pure as possible, a pitcher with a water filter may be the ideal solution for you! Filter pitchers are inexpensive and straightforward to use; fill one with tap water and allow it to pass through the filters below. 

Not only can a pitcher-style filter purify your tap water, but its compact design makes it ideal for small spaces such as dorm rooms and vacation homes. If you dislike constantly refilling your primary filtration system when it runs out of clean water, a pitcher may be precisely what you need! 

How To Clean A Filter Pitcher 

What You Must Have: 

  • Natural dish soap or a vinegar-based cleanser are recommended. 
  • Hot water 
  • Measuring cup 
  • An expired toothbrush 

How To Thoroughly Clean A Water Filter Pitcher: Detailed Instructions 

Step 1: Pour some vinegar or natural dish soap into the pitcher to begin. If neither of these items is available, you can use a baking soda-based cleaner instead. It won’t clean the interior of the filter, but it will help loosen any gunk that may have accumulated over time! 

Step 2: Next, plug in your hot water and fill the pitcher to about three-quarters capacity with hot water. This step is optional, as most water pitchers are already designed to fit precisely beneath your sink’s faucet. However, if yours does not, this should solve any issues without requiring significant adjustments! 

Step 3: Once the water has been poured into the pitcher, use an old toothbrush to scrub the inside of the filter. This will help loosen any dirt and bacteria hiding beneath the surface! 

Step 4: After scrubbing, let the pitcher sit for approximately five minutes so that all germs can escape through the mesh. Then, rinse your brush and finish by rinsing your pitcher under a stream of hot water from the faucet. 

How Often Should Your Filter Pitcher Be Cleaned? 

If you believe your filter pitcher requires cleaning, you’re probably correct! As with every other household item, water filters collect dust and bacteria over time and must be cleaned regularly. 

We recommend cleaning filters at least once a month, depending on how frequently you use your filter pitcher and tap water quality. If there is visible debris or gunk in your pitcher when you refill it with clean water, it is more important to scrub the interior of the filters! 

May Bleach Be Used To Clean A Water Filter Pitch? 

No! Bleach is highly toxic to the environment, so it is not advisable to expose yourself or your loved ones to it frequently. If you want to clean your filter pitcher quickly and efficiently, use cleaners containing vinegar. 

Can the water filter pitcher be cleaned in the dishwasher? 

We would not suggest it! As stated previously, most water filter pitchers are designed to sit beneath the sink, not in a dishwasher. There is a good chance that your pitcher will be damaged or warp if you place it in the dishwasher without a pre-cleaning treatment. This is due to the high levels of heat and detergents. 


These days, water filter pitcher systems are gaining popularity because they are cheaper and easier to use than bottled water. They come in various sizes and shapes, so it should be easy to fit one inside your refrigerator or cabinet. 

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