What is a faucet over a stove called?

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A faucet over stove, also known as a pot filler, is a type of kitchen faucet that is installed over the stove or cooktop. This type of faucet is designed to make it easier to fill pots and pans with water while cooking, eliminating the need to carry heavy pots of water from the sink to the stove. The pot filler typically has a long, articulated arm that can be swung out over the cooktop, allowing you to fill pots and pans with water without having to move them to the sink. Pot fillers come in a variety of styles and finishes, making it easy to find one that matches your kitchen decor. They are a popular choice for home chefs and professional kitchens alike.

What is the purpose of a faucet over the stove?

The purpose of a faucet over the stove, also known as a pot filler, is to make it easier and more convenient to fill pots and pans with water while cooking. Instead of having to carry heavy pots of water from the sink to the stove, the pot filler allows you to fill the pots directly at the cooktop.

This saves time and effort and can help prevent spills and accidents. The long, articulated arm of the pot filler can be swung out over the cooktop to reach pots on the front and back burners, making it a popular choice for home chefs and professional kitchens alike.

What is the pros and cons of a faucet over the stove?

Here are some pros and cons of having a faucet over the stove:


  1. Convenience: A pot filler makes it much more convenient to fill pots and pans with water while cooking. It eliminates the need to carry heavy pots of water from the sink to the stove, saving time and effort.
  2. Versatility: Pot fillers come with long, articulated arms that can be swiveled out to reach pots on front and back burners, making it easy to fill pots of different sizes and shapes.
  3. Saves time: Pot fillers can save time in the kitchen, especially if you are preparing large meals that require lots of water. With a pot filler, you can fill your pots quickly and efficiently, without having to wait for the sink to fill up.
  4. Reduces spills and accidents: By filling pots directly at the stove, you can reduce the risk of spills and accidents that can occur when carrying pots of hot water from the sink to the stove.


  1. Installation: Installing a pot filler can be a significant expense, especially if you need to run new plumbing lines to accommodate it.
  2. Cost: Pot fillers can be expensive, especially if you want a high-end model with a lot of features.
  3. Maintenance: Like any faucet, a pot filler will require regular maintenance and cleaning to keep it in good working order.
  4. Limited use: If you don’t cook frequently or rarely use large pots of water, a pot filler may not be necessary and could be seen as an unnecessary expense.

Overall, the pros of having a faucet over the stove, such as convenience and time-saving, often outweigh the cons. However, it’s important to consider the costs and maintenance involved in installing and maintaining a pot filler before deciding if it’s right for your kitchen.

Why should you buy a faucet over the stove?

Here are some reasons why you might want to consider purchasing a faucet over the stove:

  1. Convenience: One of the biggest advantages of a faucet over the stove, also known as a pot filler, is the convenience it offers. With a pot filler, you can quickly fill pots and pans with water without having to lug them to the sink. This saves time and effort, especially if you’re preparing large meals or need to fill multiple pots.
  2. Versatility: A pot filler typically comes with a long, articulated arm that can be swiveled out to reach pots on the front and back burners. This makes it easy to fill pots of different sizes and shapes, and eliminates the need to move pots around on the stove.
  3. Saves water: Because you can fill pots directly at the stove, a pot filler can help you conserve water. It eliminates the need to fill the sink with water to fill pots, which can save a significant amount of water over time.
  4. Reduces spills and accidents: Carrying pots of hot water from the sink to the stove can be dangerous, as it increases the risk of spills and accidents. With a pot filler, you can fill pots directly at the stove, reducing the risk of accidents.
  5. Adds value to your home: Installing a pot filler can add value to your home, as it is a desirable feature for many homebuyers. It can also make your kitchen more functional and attractive, which can be a selling point if you ever decide to sell your home.

Overall, a faucet over the stove can be a great investment for anyone who spends a lot of time in the kitchen. It offers convenience, versatility, and can even help you save water and reduce accidents.

How to install faucet over the stove

Installing a faucet over the stove, or pot filler, can be a bit more complicated than installing a regular kitchen faucet. Here are the general steps involved in the installation process:

  1. Choose a location: The first step is to choose a location for the pot filler above the stove. Typically, the faucet should be positioned so that it can reach both front and back burners. It’s also important to make sure there is enough clearance above the stove for the faucet and its articulated arm.
  2. Shut off the water supply: Turn off the water supply to the kitchen sink and use a wrench to remove the cold water line from the valve.
  3. Install the mounting bracket: The next step is to install the mounting bracket for the pot filler. This bracket will hold the faucet in place and may require drilling holes into the wall or cabinet above the stove.
  4. Connect the water lines: Install the water line that runs from the valve to the mounting bracket. Use Teflon tape on the threads to ensure a tight seal.
  5. Install the faucet: Once the mounting bracket and water lines are in place, it’s time to install the pot filler faucet itself. Screw the faucet into the mounting bracket, making sure it is secure and level.
  6. Test the faucet: Turn the water supply back on and test the faucet for leaks and proper function.
  7. Finish the installation: Once you’re confident that the faucet is working correctly, finish the installation by securing any loose connections and mounting hardware.

It’s important to note that the installation process can vary depending on the specific model of pot filler and the configuration of your kitchen. If you’re unsure about any part of the installation process, it’s always best to consult with a professional plumber or contractor.

How to clean faucet over the stove

Here are some steps to clean a faucet over the stove:

  1. Turn off the water supply: Before cleaning your pot filler, turn off the water supply to avoid any accidental water flow.
  2. Remove any debris: Use a soft-bristled brush or cloth to remove any debris or dirt from the pot filler. Pay particular attention to the area around the faucet head.
  3. Clean the faucet head: Mix a solution of equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray the solution onto the faucet head and let it sit for a few minutes. Then, use a soft-bristled brush to scrub away any buildup or stains. Rinse the faucet head thoroughly with water.
  4. Clean the hose: Fill a bowl with the vinegar and water solution and soak the pot filler hose in the solution for about 30 minutes. Then, use a soft-bristled brush to clean the hose, paying particular attention to any hard-to-reach areas. Rinse the hose thoroughly with water.
  5. Reassemble the pot filler: Once everything is clean and dry, reassemble the pot filler and turn the water supply back on.

It’s important to clean your pot filler regularly to keep it functioning properly and to prevent any buildup or stains. Depending on how often you use it, you may want to clean it once a month or more frequently if necessary.

How to maintain faucet over the stove properly

Here are some tips to maintain your faucet over the stove properly:

  1. Keep it clean: Regularly cleaning your pot filler can help prevent buildup, stains, and other issues. Use a soft-bristled brush or cloth and a mild cleaner to wipe down the pot filler after each use.
  2. Use it properly: Avoid bending or twisting the pot filler excessively, as this can damage the hose and cause leaks. Also, make sure to turn off the water supply when the pot filler is not in use to avoid any accidental water flow.
  3. Check for leaks: Regularly check the pot filler for any signs of leaks, such as water stains or wet spots around the connections. If you notice any leaks, address them promptly to avoid further damage.
  4. Replace damaged parts: If you notice any damage to the pot filler, such as a cracked handle or a worn out cartridge, replace the damaged parts as soon as possible to ensure proper function and prevent further damage.
  5. Schedule regular maintenance: It’s a good idea to have your pot filler inspected and serviced by a professional plumber or contractor at least once a year. They can identify any potential issues and perform any necessary maintenance or repairs.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your faucet over the stove lasts for many years and continues to function properly.

Troubleshooting about faucet over the stove

Here are some common troubleshooting tips for a faucet over the stove, or pot filler:

  1. Low water flow: If the water flow from your pot filler is low, it may be due to a clogged aerator or a problem with the water supply. Try removing the aerator and cleaning it with vinegar or a descaling solution. If that doesn’t work, check the water supply valve to make sure it is fully open and not clogged.
  2. Leaks: Leaks can occur in the water supply line or at the connection points of the pot filler. Check all connections for signs of leaks and tighten any loose connections. If the problem persists, you may need to replace the damaged parts.
  3. Dripping faucet: If your pot filler is dripping, it may be due to a worn out or damaged washer. Try replacing the washer to see if that solves the problem.
  4. Loose faucet: If your pot filler is loose, it may be due to a loose mounting bracket or worn out gasket. Check the mounting bracket and tighten any loose screws. If the gasket is worn out, replace it to ensure a secure fit.
  5. Handle problems: If the handle of your pot filler is loose or difficult to turn, it may be due to a loose screw or a worn out cartridge. Check the handle screw and tighten it if necessary. If the cartridge is worn out, replace it to restore proper function.

If you’re unsure about any of these troubleshooting steps, or if you’re experiencing a problem that you can’t resolve on your own, it’s always best to consult with a professional plumber or contractor. They can help diagnose the problem and recommend the best course of action.

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