How to cook Maple Bourbon Drumsticks on a pellet grill

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Maple Bourbon Drumsticks are a delicious and flavorful dish that can be cooked on a pellet grill. This dish combines the sweet and smoky flavors of maple syrup, the bold flavor of bourbon, and the savory taste of chicken drumsticks.

Pellet grills are a popular type of outdoor cooking equipment that use wood pellets to provide heat and smoke. These grills are easy to use, and they offer a wide range of temperature settings, making them perfect for cooking a variety of dishes.

To cook Maple Bourbon Drumsticks on a pellet grill, you will need to prepare a marinade using maple syrup, bourbon, soy sauce, garlic, and other seasonings. Then, you will need to marinate the chicken drumsticks in this mixture for several hours, or overnight, to allow the flavors to infuse.

Once the chicken is marinated, you can preheat your pellet grill to the desired temperature, and then place the drumsticks on the grill grates. Cook the chicken for around 45 minutes to 1 hour, or until the internal temperature reaches 165°F.

As the chicken cooks, the sweet and smoky flavors from the maple syrup and the wood pellets will infuse into the meat, creating a delicious and flavorful dish. Once the drumsticks are fully cooked, remove them from the grill and let them rest for a few minutes before serving.

Overall, cooking Maple Bourbon Drumsticks on a pellet grill is a great way to enjoy a delicious and flavorful dish that is perfect for any outdoor gathering or barbecue.

Which kinds of chicken drumsticks can you cook on a pellet grill?

You can cook a wide variety of chicken drumsticks on a pellet grill, including:

  1. Bone-In Chicken Drumsticks: These are the most common type of chicken drumstick and are typically sold with the bone still intact. Cooking bone-in chicken drumsticks on a pellet grill allows for even cooking and a delicious, smoky flavor.
  2. Boneless Chicken Drumsticks: These are chicken drumsticks that have had the bone removed, leaving just the meat. Cooking boneless chicken drumsticks on a pellet grill can be a bit trickier, as they tend to dry out more quickly than bone-in chicken, but with proper temperature control and careful monitoring, they can still be a delicious option.
  3. Skin-On Chicken Drumsticks: These are chicken drumsticks that still have the skin attached. Cooking skin-on chicken drumsticks on a pellet grill can help to create a crispy, golden-brown skin that is full of flavor.
  4. Skinless Chicken Drumsticks: These are chicken drumsticks that have had the skin removed. While skinless chicken drumsticks may not have the same crispy texture as skin-on chicken, they can still be delicious when cooked on a pellet grill, as the wood smoke and heat help to infuse the meat with flavor.

Overall, no matter what type of chicken drumsticks you choose to cook on a pellet grill, you can be sure that they will be full of flavor and perfectly cooked thanks to the precise temperature control and wood-fired heat provided by the grill.

Why should you use a pellet grill for cooking Maple Bourbon Drumsticks?

Using a pellet grill for cooking Maple Bourbon Drumsticks has several benefits that make it a great choice for this dish:

  1. Consistent Temperature Control: Pellet grills use an automated system that allows for precise temperature control, ensuring that the chicken cooks evenly and consistently. This is especially important when cooking chicken, which requires careful temperature control to ensure that it is fully cooked and safe to eat.
  2. Wood-Fired Flavor: Pellet grills use wood pellets to generate heat and smoke, which gives the chicken a unique, wood-fired flavor that cannot be replicated by other types of grills. This flavor is especially important when cooking Maple Bourbon Drumsticks, which rely on the sweet and smoky flavors of maple syrup and wood smoke to create their unique taste.
  3. Easy to Use: Pellet grills are designed to be easy to use, with simple controls and minimal maintenance requirements. This makes them a great choice for home cooks who want to enjoy delicious, wood-fired meals without having to spend a lot of time tending to the grill.
  4. Versatile: Pellet grills can be used to cook a wide range of dishes, from burgers and hot dogs to brisket and ribs. This versatility makes them a great investment for anyone who enjoys outdoor cooking and wants to be able to prepare a variety of dishes with one piece of equipment.

Overall, using a pellet grill for cooking Maple Bourbon Drumsticks is a great choice that allows you to enjoy delicious, wood-fired flavor and precise temperature control, all in one easy-to-use piece of equipment.

How to cook Maple Bourbon Drumsticks on a pellet grill

Here’s how to cook Maple Bourbon Drumsticks on a pellet grill:


  • 8 chicken drumsticks
  • 1/2 cup maple syrup
  • 1/4 cup bourbon
  • 1/4 cup soy sauce
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tsp smoked paprika
  • 1/2 tsp black pepper
  • Salt to taste
  • Wood pellets for the pellet grill


  1. In a large bowl, mix together the maple syrup, bourbon, soy sauce, garlic, smoked paprika, black pepper, and salt to taste.
  2. Add the chicken drumsticks to the marinade and stir until the drumsticks are fully coated. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 2 hours, or overnight if possible.
  3. Preheat your pellet grill to 350°F. Once the grill is heated, remove the chicken drumsticks from the marinade and shake off any excess.
  4. Place the drumsticks on the grill grates and close the lid. Cook the drumsticks for 45 minutes to 1 hour, or until the internal temperature reaches 165°F.
  5. Once the drumsticks are fully cooked, remove them from the grill and let them rest for a few minutes before serving.
  6. Serve the Maple Bourbon Drumsticks hot with your favorite sides, such as roasted vegetables or a fresh salad.

Overall, cooking Maple Bourbon Drumsticks on a pellet grill is an easy and delicious way to enjoy this flavorful dish. With a few simple ingredients and the right cooking equipment, you can create a delicious meal that is perfect for any outdoor gathering or barbecue.

Types of wood for cooking Maple Bourbon Drumsticks on pellet grill

The type of wood you use for cooking Maple Bourbon Drumsticks on a pellet grill can have a significant impact on the flavor of the dish. Here are some of the best types of wood for cooking Maple Bourbon Drumsticks on a pellet grill:

  1. Maple: Using maple wood pellets can help to enhance the maple flavor in the marinade, creating a delicious and cohesive flavor profile.
  2. Hickory: Hickory wood pellets are a popular choice for smoking meats, including chicken. Hickory can add a strong, smoky flavor that complements the sweetness of the maple syrup in the marinade.
  3. Apple: Apple wood pellets have a mild, sweet flavor that can complement the maple and bourbon in the marinade without overpowering the dish.
  4. Cherry: Cherry wood pellets can add a mild fruitiness to the dish, which can complement the sweetness of the maple syrup and enhance the overall flavor profile of the dish.
  5. Pecan: Pecan wood pellets can add a nutty, smoky flavor to the dish that can complement the sweetness of the maple syrup and the boldness of the bourbon.

Overall, the best type of wood for cooking Maple Bourbon Drumsticks on a pellet grill depends on your personal taste preferences. Experiment with different types of wood to find the one that creates the perfect balance of sweet and smoky flavors for your taste buds.

How long does it take to cook Maple Bourbon Drumsticks on pellet grill?

The cooking time for Maple Bourbon Drumsticks on a pellet grill will depend on the temperature of your grill, the size of your drumsticks, and how many drumsticks you are cooking. However, as a general guideline, Maple Bourbon Drumsticks should take about 45 minutes to 1 hour to cook on a pellet grill at a temperature of 350°F.

To ensure that your drumsticks are cooked to the proper temperature, it’s important to use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature. Chicken should be cooked to an internal temperature of 165°F to ensure that it is safe to eat.

Keep in mind that cooking times can vary, so it’s best to keep an eye on your drumsticks and use a meat thermometer to check their temperature periodically. Once your drumsticks reach an internal temperature of 165°F, they are ready to be removed from the grill and served.

Remember to let your drumsticks rest for a few minutes before serving to allow the juices to redistribute throughout the meat, resulting in a juicier and more flavorful dish.

Tips for cooking Maple Bourbon Drumsticks on pellet grill

Here are some tips for cooking Maple Bourbon Drumsticks on a pellet grill:

  1. Marinate the drumsticks overnight: The longer you marinate the drumsticks, the more flavorful they will be. If possible, marinate the drumsticks overnight to allow the flavors to fully develop.
  2. Use a meat thermometer: To ensure that your drumsticks are fully cooked and safe to eat, use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature. Chicken should be cooked to an internal temperature of 165°F.
  3. Keep an eye on the grill temperature: It’s important to maintain a consistent grill temperature throughout the cooking process. Check the temperature of your grill regularly and make adjustments as needed to ensure that it stays at the desired temperature.
  4. Baste the drumsticks with the marinade: To keep the drumsticks moist and flavorful, baste them with the marinade periodically during the cooking process. This will also help to create a caramelized exterior on the drumsticks.
  5. Let the drumsticks rest: Once your drumsticks are fully cooked, let them rest for a few minutes before serving. This will allow the juices to redistribute throughout the meat, resulting in a juicier and more flavorful dish.
  6. Experiment with different types of wood pellets: The type of wood pellets you use can have a significant impact on the flavor of the dish. Experiment with different types of wood to find the one that creates the perfect balance of sweet and smoky flavors for your taste buds.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your Maple Bourbon Drumsticks are cooked to perfection and bursting with flavor.

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