What is the best charcoal for Kamado Joe?

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Kamado Joe is a brand of ceramic kamado-style grills that are popular among outdoor cooking enthusiasts. These grills are designed to provide precise temperature control and even heating, making them ideal for smoking, roasting, and grilling a wide range of foods. To get the most out of your Kamado Joe grill, it’s important to choose the right type of charcoal. The type and quality of charcoal you use can have a big impact on the flavor and texture of your food, as well as the performance of your grill. In this guide, we’ll explore some of the best types of charcoal for Kamado Joe grills, as well as some tips for getting the most out of your grill.

Do you use charcoal or wood in kamado?

Both charcoal and wood can be used in a kamado grill, depending on personal preference and the type of cooking being done. Charcoal is typically used as the primary fuel source in kamado grills, as it provides a consistent and controllable heat source.

However, many people also use wood chunks or chips to add additional flavor to the food being cooked. The type of wood used can also affect the flavor of the food, with different woods imparting different flavors. Some common woods used in kamado cooking include hickory, mesquite, apple, cherry, and oak.

What is the best fuel for kamado bbq?

The best fuel for a kamado BBQ is a matter of personal preference and can depend on the type of cooking you plan to do. Generally, lumpwood charcoal and hardwood chunks are the most popular fuels for kamado BBQs because they burn hotter and impart a smoky flavor to the food.

Some people also use briquettes, but they may contain fillers and chemicals that can affect the flavor of the food. When choosing a fuel for your kamado BBQ, it is important to consider factors such as burn time, heat output, ash production, and flavor. Ultimately, the best fuel for your kamado BBQ will depend on your personal preferences and the type of cooking you plan to do.

What kind of charcoal does Kamado Joe use?

Kamado Joe grills are designed to work with a wide range of charcoal types, including natural lump charcoal, briquettes, and flavored charcoal. The brand itself offers its own line of all-natural, hardwood lump charcoal that is made from high-quality, responsibly sourced wood. Kamado Joe charcoal is known for its consistent size and quality, which makes it a popular choice among grill enthusiasts.

However, Kamado Joe grills are also compatible with other high-quality charcoal brands that are suitable for use in ceramic grills. The most important thing to look for when selecting charcoal for your Kamado Joe grill is that it is made from high-quality, all-natural ingredients without any added chemicals or fillers. This will ensure that your grill performs at its best and that your food tastes as good as possible.

Can I use regular charcoal in my Kamado Joe?

Yes, you can use regular charcoal in your Kamado Joe grill, but it’s important to choose the right type of charcoal. It’s recommended to use all-natural lump charcoal or briquettes that do not contain any additives or chemicals, as they will burn cleaner and produce less ash compared to traditional charcoal briquettes that may contain fillers and additives.

Using regular charcoal briquettes that contain chemicals or binders may produce an off-flavor in your food and may also damage the interior of your Kamado Joe grill over time. Additionally, regular charcoal briquettes may produce more ash, which can clog the vents and impede air flow, affecting temperature control and cooking performance.

It’s always best to refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines for your specific Kamado Joe model to ensure that you are using the right type of charcoal and following proper usage and maintenance instructions.

What are the pros and cons of using charcoal for Kamado Joe?


  • Flavor: Charcoal imparts a unique, smoky flavor that many grill enthusiasts love. This flavor can be adjusted based on the type and amount of charcoal used, as well as the cooking method.
  • Temperature control: Charcoal is known for providing consistent, even heat, making it easier to control cooking temperatures on a Kamado Joe grill. This is important when smoking, roasting or grilling meats.
  • Versatility: Charcoal can be used for a variety of cooking styles, including smoking, roasting, grilling, and even baking. It is a versatile fuel source that can be adapted to suit different cooking methods and food types.


  • Ash and debris: Charcoal can produce a significant amount of ash and debris, which can build up inside the grill and impede airflow. This can affect temperature control and cooking performance if not regularly cleaned out.
  • Cost: Charcoal can be more expensive than other fuel sources, such as propane or natural gas, depending on the type and quality of charcoal.
  • Time and effort: Charcoal requires more time and effort to get started and maintain compared to other fuel sources. It may take longer to heat up and require more attention to maintain consistent heat levels during the cooking process.

Overall, using charcoal as a fuel source for a Kamado Joe grill offers a unique and flavorful cooking experience, but requires more attention and maintenance compared to other fuel sources. It’s important to weigh the pros and cons and consider personal preferences before choosing charcoal as the fuel source for your Kamado Joe.

Is Lumpwood or briquettes better for kamado?

Both lumpwood and briquettes can be used in a Kamado grill, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Lumpwood charcoal is made from hardwood and is generally considered to be a more natural and pure form of charcoal. It burns hotter and faster than briquettes and produces less ash, making it easier to clean up after cooking. The downside is that it can be more expensive and less consistent in size and shape, which can affect temperature control.

Briquettes, on the other hand, are made from compressed charcoal dust and other ingredients such as sawdust and starch. They burn more slowly and evenly than lumpwood, making them easier to control for longer cooking sessions. They also tend to be more affordable and uniform in size and shape. However, they can produce more ash and can contain fillers or additives that may affect flavor.

Ultimately, the choice between lumpwood and briquettes for a Kamado grill comes down to personal preference and the type of cooking you plan to do. If you prioritize natural and pure charcoal with high heat output and easy cleanup, lumpwood may be the better choice. If you want a more affordable and consistent option that burns slowly and evenly, briquettes may be the better choice.

Which lasts longer lumpwood or briquettes?

Briquettes generally last longer than lumpwood charcoal. This is because briquettes are made from compressed charcoal and other materials such as sawdust, wood scraps, and binders, which help them burn longer and more consistently.

Lumpwood charcoal, on the other hand, is made from natural wood that has been burned down to charred pieces, which can vary in size and density, and can burn faster than briquettes. However, the burn time of both lumpwood and briquettes can also depend on factors such as the quality of the charcoal, the airflow, and the cooking temperature.

What is the best charcoal for Kamado Joe?

The best charcoal for Kamado Joe is ultimately a matter of personal preference, but here are a few popular options:

  1. Kamado Joe Big Block XL Lump Charcoal: This is a high-quality lump charcoal that is made from 100% hardwood with no fillers or additives. It burns hot and produces very little ash, making it ideal for long cooks.
  2. Fogo Super Premium Hardwood Lump Charcoal: This is another high-quality lump charcoal that is made from hand-selected hardwoods. It burns hot and clean, with very little ash production, and provides a great smoky flavor to food.
  3. Jealous Devil All Natural Hardwood Lump Charcoal: This is a premium lump charcoal that is made from sustainably sourced hardwood. It burns hot and clean, and produces very little ash, making it ideal for Kamado Joe grilling and smoking.
  4. Royal Oak Chef’s Select Premium Hardwood Lump Charcoal: This is a popular brand of lump charcoal that is made from 100% natural hardwood with no chemicals or fillers. It burns hot and produces a good smoky flavor, with low ash production.

Ultimately, the best charcoal for Kamado Joe depends on your personal preferences and the type of cooking you plan to do. It’s always a good idea to try out a few different brands and types to find the one that works best for you.

How much charcoal to use in Kamado?

The amount of charcoal to use in a Kamado grill can vary depending on the size of the grill, the type of charcoal being used, and the length of the cooking session. As a general rule of thumb, it’s recommended to fill the firebox up to the level of the air holes with charcoal, which is usually about 1/3 to 1/2 of the firebox.

For longer cooks or smoking, you may need to add more charcoal throughout the cooking process to maintain the desired temperature. It’s also important to control the airflow to the grill by adjusting the vents, as this will help regulate the temperature and prevent the charcoal from burning too quickly.

It’s always a good idea to refer to the manufacturer’s instructions or consult with experienced kamado grillers to determine the optimal amount of charcoal for your specific grill and cooking needs.

Troubleshooting about charcoal for Kamado Joe

Here are some common troubleshooting issues that can arise when using charcoal in a Kamado Joe grill, along with some tips for resolving them:

  1. Difficulty maintaining temperature: If you’re having trouble maintaining a consistent temperature in your Kamado Joe grill, it may be due to the amount of charcoal you’re using or the airflow to the grill. Make sure you’re using the recommended amount of charcoal, and adjust the vents on the grill to control the airflow and temperature.
  2. Excessive smoke or flare-ups: If your charcoal is producing excessive smoke or flare-ups, it may be due to the quality or type of charcoal you’re using. Make sure you’re using high-quality charcoal that’s appropriate for use in a Kamado Joe grill, and avoid using lighter fluid or other accelerants that can cause flare-ups.
  3. Ash buildup: Charcoal can produce a lot of ash, which can build up and affect the airflow in the grill. Make sure you’re cleaning out the ash regularly, and consider using an ash removal tool or system to make the process easier.
  4. Uneven heating: If your Kamado Joe grill is heating unevenly, it may be due to the placement of the charcoal or the airflow in the grill. Make sure you’re arranging the charcoal in a way that promotes even heating, and adjust the vents to control the airflow and temperature.
  5. Running out of charcoal: If you run out of charcoal during a long cook or smoking session, it can be difficult to add more without disrupting the cooking process. To avoid this issue, make sure you’re using enough charcoal to begin with, and consider adding more at strategic intervals throughout the cook to maintain the desired temperature and avoid running out.


In conclusion, Kamado Joe is a versatile cooking system that can utilize different types of charcoal to achieve a variety of flavors and cooking styles. Lumpwood and briquettes are both suitable for use in a Kamado Joe, and the choice ultimately comes down to personal preference. Lumpwood charcoal burns hotter and faster, while briquettes burn longer and produce more consistent heat. When choosing a charcoal for your Kamado Joe, it is important to consider factors such as burn time, heat output, ash production, and flavor. With proper use and maintenance, the right charcoal can enhance your Kamado Joe cooking experience and take your BBQ game to the next level.

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